Training With You In Mind

Glasser Canada has made a commitment to bring the training to you as much as is possible in this vast country of ours.

If you do not see a scheduled training opportunity near your home or office, please contact us and we may be able to arrange a faculty member to contact you.

For more information please click the Quick Links above.

The Foundation
The foundation of our training is the Basic Training course. There are no educational pre-requisite for attending  a Basic Training course – It is an excellent way to make changes in your life. However, in order to receive an ‘Institute Certificate of Completion’, participants must have attended the full week of training.

Training leading to certification is monitored by William Glasser International and is organized by approved senior faculty members. The training consists of five training periods.

  1. Basic Training (30 hours)
  2. Basic Practicum (30 hours)
  3. Advanced Training (30 hours)
  4. Advanced Practicum (30 hours)
  5. Certification (30 hours)

Special Areas
Our faculty provide training that is specific to areas such as education, business, the helping professions, parenting, and personal exploration. This training often takes the form of workshops that are designed together with the individual or group.