Election Forms for IWGI-C Board

Nomination for Director of the Board of IWGI-Canada for 2013

These are the first elections in Canada since IWGI-Canada became an autonomous organization.

All positions except Past President are open for either 1 or 2 years as indicated.

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The terms are staggered to allow for overlap. The term of office starts January 1.

You are eligible for nomination if:

  1. you are a registered member of IWGI-Canada.
    There is no cost to register just go to: https://glassercanada.ca/members/join-us/
  2. you are CTRT Certified.

Please note: Canadian Faculty who have paid dues to WGI (US) and signed the agreement are automatically members of IWGI-Canada

Nomination Form Word PDF

Help with Forms:

Forms in Word format are downloaded to the ‘Downloads’ Folder on your computer. They can then be filled in saved for your information and sent as an email attachment in this case to your Advanced Training Instructor. You can also make a copy and take it with you to the training.

Forms in PDF format must be saved first. Please use the latest Reader, Adobe Reader X or later. http://get.adobe.com/reader/otherversions/

A toolbar appears when you bring your mouse arrow to the bottom right hand corner of the document. Click to save the document. You can then enter your information, re save it and send it as an attachment to your Advance Training Instructor or take it with you.